Druid Dreams Read online
Page 10
“Holy shit, where is Franklin?” Sloane questioned herself as she got up from the table to walk inside. We all stayed silent and still. No one seemed to know what we should think about the situation. Those dots that were floating around my head started to hasten their efforts in connecting. I was lost in thought but I vaguely heard Jack yell “read that letter while you’re in there, bitch.”
“Who is the sixth?” Stone was the first to get to the point. I was curious too, but I couldn’t seem to find my voice just yet. I only knew one other prince. A ball of dread appeared in my stomach at that realization. I hope he didn’t say...
Jack answered Stone, confirming my musings. “Names York, but I can’t find him anywhere. I know enough about him to put in a good godsdamn search but he hasn’t surfaced for abo-“
“Two years? Give or take a couple months,” Briggs interrupted.
Yeah, we knew York. That fucking Druid. He dipped out one evening and never came back. No calls, no letters, no notes with the wind. Nothing. The elemental jackass up and vanished. The fucking Druid? Really?
“You’re joking, right?” Novak peered over at Jack. “Just, tell me you’re joking. Even if it’s a lie.”
“No, I’m not. He’s the sixth and we need to find him. The sooner the better. Sloane is in danger and once she amasses all her power,” he let out a deep sigh and ran his hands through his hair, “Lets just say she’s gonna have an even bigger target on her back than she already does.”
All those leftover dots still floating about my brain finally connected in one huge “holy fuck, how did I not see that” grandslam of a headache. That was why all six of us were so close. It had to be some kind of secondary bond. We couldn’t find her so we stuck to each other. I looked around the table at all my friends, and I couldn’t help but see a pattern. If we were all mates to Sloane then the seven of us were going to make one overpowered team. It wouldn’t just be a target on her back. Oh no, we’d all have targets on our backs. This is a fucking disaster. What the fuck are we gonna do?
I’d read about mate bonds. I knew, theoretically, what happened when the bond snapped into place. Now that I was thinking about it, I could actually feel the pull that drew me to her. We would share some of our powers. Our bond would be unbreakable, except in death, but with a bond shared between so many we could potentially keep each other alive. Our weaknesses could become strengths, but our love would become a weakness to be exploited. Love? Right. Okay, Palmer, you're getting a wee bit ahead here, mate. Fuck. Mate?
I stood to pace the patio. Pacing helped me work through all my thoughts. It was a nervous reaction for some, but it grounded me. I ran through all the things we were each good at, thinking about training schedules and what we could teach each other. I knew I was getting ahead of myself, but for once in my life, I felt like I couldn’t do this without a solid plan. I liked to stick to facts, but I was also pretty good at winging shit. Not this though. Nuh-uh.
“We need ta train,” I stated firmly, drawing everyone’s attention. “We need ta start workin’ on any weaknesses we may have and figure out some sorta schedule. Someone needs ta be near Sloane every hour. I know she can handle herself, but two, or more, is always gonna be harder to fight than just one.” I slowed my pacing and watched the guys all nod their heads.
Jack chimed in. “I'll call Grim. He can help too, when he’s not working. He loves Sloane. We should also start looking for the Druid. You guys seem like you may have had a falling out or something, but she’s going to need him.” He reached for his phone and began typing. I was assuming it was a text to Grim. Whoever that is.
Sloane came out of the house a few minutes later, pushing a small black cart full of liquor. I thought she had brought way too much, but then, she didn’t know what we drank. I knew how her father was about being proper and sticking to those fancy etiquette lessons.
She sat down at the table and stayed quiet for a moment before turning to Jack. “You know who the sixth is.” It wasn't a question. She was furious with him for keeping that information from her. The red ring around her pupil looked like it was glowing against the green and gold mix of her irises. Her jaw was clenched and her hands were fisted in her lap. She radiated power. How could we miss just how powerful she was until now? She kept it so well hidden.
“Lo,” Jack slowly approached her, covering her knee with his large hand, “Did you read the letter?” After she gave a sharp nod he continued, “The Druid has been missing for over two years. I’ve looked for him and so have your parents. We need to find him.” I didn’t miss the way he said “missing” to her. I wondered what that was about.
“You all know him?” She directed her words to the rest of us. We all nodded.
“He was a, ehh, friend of ours before he disappeared. We were all pretty mad at him for it, but I’m startin’ ta think that maybe he’s been in trouble this whole time.” I could admit I was a little chagrined. It never occurred to us that he could’ve been taken against his will.
“Okay.” Sloane took a deep breath as she popped open a bottle of whiskey and poured three fingers into a glass. “This is a lot of shit that’s just been dumped on all of our plates.” She paused to take a drink. She set her glass down, then picked it right back up to down the rest of it. “This is what we’re going to do.” She bounced her head around a few times and then ran her slim fingers through her long silver hair. She was beautiful with that determined look on her face. “I don’t know if you guys are going to like this, but here goes.” One more deep breath. Her chest expanded and her shoulders straightened.
I had no doubts that being in charge came naturally to her. I side-eyed Briggs and Vaughn. If anyone had issues with authority it was those two. They butted heads constantly. Vaughn seemed curious, but Briggs was on edge. This should get interesting soon.
I wasn’t the only one watching Briggs. The alpha male was dangerously close to throwing out a challenge. Novak was stalking him with his eyes. His predatory glint told me he was more than happy to intervene if a fight started. If Sloane thought Briggs was going to listen to her without a display of power then she was sorely mistaken. I didn’t think she was that naive though. She grew up under the hand of the Supreme Alpha. I’d bet she knew her way around an alpha fight, and I’d bet this wouldn’t be her first one either.
Novak saw me watching everyone and leaned over to whisper in my ear, “My money is on the she-wolf. What about you?” He’s a fucking eejit, but I can’t resist this bet. I couldn’t help the secretive smile that slipped over my lips. Novak and I were always making bets. Some were worth it, others not so much. She was going to “mop the floor” with Briggs though, as he would say. I nodded my head swiftly at Novak.
“If we’re all mates then you now have a huge target on your backs too. I don’t expect you to agree, but I have enough empty bedrooms in this house for you guys to stay here while we figure this out. The property is patrolled and the house is spelled. None of us should go anywhere alone. Jack, that includes you. Grim would take what’s left of my soul if something happened to you.” She looked at Jack, and we were all amused watching his bronze cheeks tint a rosy pink.
“Who’s Grim?” I’d really like to know.
Everyone jumped except Sloane and Jack. Standing behind Jack, with his very human looking hand on the Demon's shoulder, was a Grim Reaper. A Grim fucking Reaper. I thought my heart might explode. At least his trip won’t be wasted. He would be taking me or Briggs. I tried to calm down from the sudden scare but all I could think was that I wasn’t going anywhere until I knew more about Sloane. He could take Briggs with him after Sloane killed him.
“Guys, this is Grim. Grim, these are the guys.” She introduced us one at a time, working her way around the table. She ended with Stone, and he leaned over to shake the reaper's hand.
“Nice to see you again, Grim.” Stone nodded to the reaper. Of course the Demon knew him.
“You as well, Stone.” The reaper repl
ied in a casual tone.
“So,” Sloane started, bringing our attention back to her with an authoritative voice, “Getting back on track. We need to start looking for the Druid. Tomorrow. Tonight, I have to go to the club to keep up my appearances. We should have time to go over some of the research from CBP. Franklin is getting the flash drive I prepared for you, Palmer. Vaughn, I’d like you to go to CBP, and take Novak with you. This is my keycard,” she slid over what looked like a credit card with holes punched through it and kept talking. “You’ll need it to get into the offices. All the locks and codes have been changed. I need you to look in David Preston’s office, search his files and computer for anything personal. We need to get his banking information, personal email addresses, anything that we can use to look into his involvement with this drug and any supes. He’s the only one on personnel that doesn’t check out, except you.” She narrowed her eyes at Vaughn, “But I know why so we can breeze past that.
“Palmer, while you're looking at the stuff Franklin is bringing, please stay on the property. All the electronics here are secure and no one can see what we’re doing or hack into our servers.” She paused to pour more whiskey into her glass. She didn’t ask us if we wanted any, but I knew she meant to. I grabbed the bottle of expensive whiskey she’d been drinking and poured myself a glass. It’s celebratory. I normally wouldn’t drink until after supper, but noon seemed fine with all the information overload. Stop lying. You had whiskey in your coffee mug this morning.
After she drank some of her whiskey she turned to Grim and Jack. “I need you two to look at the club, specifically upstairs and in the VIP section, for bugs or cameras. Jack, do you have your keys?” He nodded his head, but she never stopped. “Simon may be there when you arrive, but let’s keep him out of the loop for now. We can fill him in if you find anything.” Who the fuck is Simon?
“What about us? Are we just supposed to lounge around all day?” Stone cut a look at her that said he wasn’t on board with hanging out, and she smiled darkly at him. It’s a wee bit scary on her delicate face. I bet that sadistic bastard really fucking loved that look.
I did too. I wouldn’t lie. It was in that particular moment that I saw her for the predator I knew her to be. It was so damn hot. My cock stirred to life at that smile. I could see her strapped down, cane in my hand with red marks across her ass and thighs. Fuck. I needed to calm down. That image is gonna haunt my fucking dreams until it happens.
She snapped her eyes to me, and I held her gaze with a different kind of challenge than what Briggs was giving. I had a feeling that she just saw what I was thinking, but I wasn’t the least bit embarrassed. She smirked after my stare melted to desire, and hummed delightfully. “Hmm, maybe later.” She slid into my mind so fucking easily that it almost startled me. I wasn’t a jumpy person, but fuck if that didn’t scare me. She was entertained though. My thoughts were a naughty little treat for her. Oh, she’s a filthy one if she likes what goes on in my head.
Fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck. I was going to end up falling in love with her. She was gonna flip my whole fucking world upside down in the best way possible. I could already tell that we were all in deep trouble.
“I’m leaving. I have shit to do this evening.” Briggs growled out between clenched teeth. He turned his back to the group of us and started to walk away. He didn't get more than four steps before Sloane stood and called out to him. Novak laughed under his breath beside me and I was fighting an elated grin of my own. It was about time someone put him in his place and showed him he wasn’t the biggest wolf in the yard anymore. We had all tried, but Stone was the only one who could beat Briggs. His human form didn’t look exceptionally powerful, but the wolf was no match for the Demon that lingered under his skin.
“No, you're not.” Sloane stated simply, not even blinking as she stared down the angry alpha wolf. “We’re going to fight. Wolf to wolf or skin to skin, however you want. I’m going to show you that I’m the dominant alpha here, and then Stone, you, and myself are going to go handle a pack of rogues an hour south. I’d normally take the job on by myself, but I’m curious about watching you work. There’s only about fourteen of them, so it’ll take us longer to drive there than it will to actually take them out.” She tilted her head left as she stepped away from the table. I realized that she did that head tilt thing when she was thinking. “That is, if you can. Otherwise you can have the room on the right, third floor, you know... to lick your wounds.” She shrugged her shoulders like she didn’t just insult Briggs. I saw her power play though. I am living for this fight right now. I was almost as worked up as Novak, who was bouncing in his chair with unrestrained glee.
She glided effortlessly towards the open expanse of the yard. When she put a good 40 yards between them she turned back and shouted to Briggs. “Are you coming or are you going to drop the alpha posturing bullshit?” She stood with her hands on her hips, waiting patiently for him. It was fucking amazing. Briggs looked at all of us, one by one, as he grumbled under his breath. We were all in various states of amusement. Novak was outright laughing. It had been awhile since anyone had tested Briggs. I was excited. I couldn’t wait to watch him get his ass kicked.
“I don’t want to hurt her...” he trailed off as we all watched her toss her shirt into the grass. The lacy black bra that she was wearing played so hard into my fantasy from moments ago. I groaned and looked towards the sky, wondering what kind of panties she was hiding under those jeans. A lacy black thong to match? Boy shorts that make her cheeks look edible? Or-
“None.” The word flashed into my mind like a strobe light. I heard the smile she was wearing on her face without seeing her.
“Stay outta my head,” I hoarsely yelled at her. I knew everyone at the table was staring at me over my outburst. They had no idea about the short conversation that had happened between the two of us.
She laughed at me before sassing back, “Stop projecting and I will.”
I risked a peek around the table and judging by their looks, everyone was definitely wondering what we were talking about. I don’t even care. I threw my hands over my face as she slid images into my mind. It was my new favorite kind of foreplay. It made me wonder how she could possibly be everything that we all desired. She had a brilliant mind with a sarcastic mouth, an athletic body with a spontaneous streak, and a grounded nature with elegance that rivaled a queen.
That last thought just sealed the declaration I made shortly after we arrived. I wasn’t letting go of this one. Briggs could be a dick and push her away if he wanted to, but I was making this one mine.
Saturday Late Morning
“I don’t want to hurt her...” I left the statement hanging, hoping someone could talk her out of it. They were all gawking at her, except for Jack and Grim. They kept whispering back and forth while looking between the two of us. She was grinning like the cat who caught the canary. I didn’t know if I was excited for a challenge or horrified about walking into a fight that I knew I could possibly lose. Because, yeah, I’ve never fought in an alpha fight where my opponent smiled at me like she was. I’d also never fought in an alpha fight against a female, or a hybrid. I was stubborn, not stupid. I was also getting a little nauseous about what was fixing to happen.
Jack looked me up and down before he scoffed. “Please.” He disagreed with thick condescension, like I’d offended him somehow, “If you go easy on her she’ll know. You better give it all you’ve got. I mean, she’s gonna win either way, but,” he stopped dramatically before bobbing his head, “I’d go man to man if I were you. That way you have height and weight as an advantage. Sloane as a wolf is beautiful, but frightening. The bitch that’s standing there now? She’s still gonna give you a run for your money, man. She won’t kill you, but you will submit.” He clicked his tongue at me.
What the fuck? I did not want to hurt her. I couldn’t even think about swinging at her, much less actually landing a punch. That felt like the opposite of what the mate bond was
begging for. I needed to protect her, not harm her. I could shed my skin and fight as a wolf though. The bond would be stronger with my animalistic side, but so would the challenge she just threw me. A wolf didn’t back out of an alpha challenge. They fought until they submitted or were killed. I had to have a hundred pounds on her in my skin. I would guess I had even more weight on her as a wolf. I knew she-wolves were small, quick, and agile. I’d have to be smart about my movements and keep some distance between us. Hope my wolf doesn’t go bat shit and hump her in front of everyone. That’d be embarrassing.
“I bet she ends the fight in her skin either way. I’d even bet money on it. She’ll fight you skin to skin if she’s given the decision to choose.” Jack’s matter-of-fact tone piqued my interest. I stared at her from across the yard, trying to figure out what she was hiding. There was no way she could beat my wolf in her skin. Was he insane? Had he never seen wolves fight before?
“Any time now,” she sassed at me while tapping the imaginary watch on her wrist. “I have a couple jobs to do. I can’t wait all day for you to make up your mind.” Fucking brat.
This is stupid. Why did I feel like I was going to lose? I was always confident when it came to fighting. I’d never been taken down by a she-wolf in practice and I wasn’t about to let it happen in real fight. But, I had also never fought the Supreme Alpha’s daughter either. This is a hard fight to walk away from. Damn it. I sighed and ran my hand over the back of my neck, thinking about my options.
“I’ll take that bet,” Novak perked up more at the prospect. “I bet she starts the fight as a wolf and finishes as a woman. You won’t catch me challenging her. I know when there’s a bigger predator around.” He coughed trying to cover up the laughter in his voice. It didn’t work, so he just gave me a jovial smile and slapped a hundred dollar bill on the table. Jack matched him.